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Friday, January 24, 2014

Breaking News: Secrets Revailed Behind - Bitcoin

In 1921, Thomas Edison Developed a Plan to Re-Invent the One Force That Drives Everything... Money

You know Thomas Edison as one of history's most prolific inventors.and he was but..

That's not the whole story we've been cut short with what we have all been told                  

But there's another story...
For 90 years...
Edison's most controversial invention remained Hidden in silence...
You won't find it in the pages of any history book...
And it was almost wiped from all existing records.
Hi, I'm George Stoddard, and this  story Is One That  you've never been told.
In 1921,Thomas Edison birth an idea to re-invent the dollar

Now, all the while, the U.S. government and Federal Reserve were cultivating` Plans to  squash Edison's radical idea.
This could have only be kept secret for so long.
Through the decades , an underground movement championed this monetary breakthrough...
now recently, its true existence was brought to light.
It ignited a Rebellion That Quickly Spread from Main Street America...

To Every Corner of the Globe

Right now, this radical new form of money...
Is being used by millions of people in over 100 countries.
Your Life Depends On ItIt's trading on exchanges around the world...
From Toronto to Singapore...
To the United States...                                                                                  
It was once valued at less than a penny on these exchanges...
But in 2013, a single unit of Edison's breakthrough money was valued at:
  • More than 1,360 Australian dollars
  • 896 euros
  • 750 British pounds.
  • And 1,242 U.S. dollars.
In Fact, a Single Dollar Invested in it When it
First Launched, Was Recently Worth $124,200.
Now, that bears repeating.
One dollar transformed into $124,200 in 2013.
This new currency is changing the lives of average people who are turning small sums of money into thousands...
Tens of thousands...
Hundreds of thousands...
Even millions of dollars...

Edison's Revenge on the Dollar is beginning to re-balance the existing power structures dictating who can become wealthy in America.
It's why the U.S. Department of Justice calls it a "renegade currency."
Why the European Central Bank fears it will negatively impact their reputation.


A Senior Economic Adviser to President Reagan Calls it
Protect Yourself
"A Competitive Threat " to All Currencies.
And why the IRS is sounding the alarms...
That this may be the ultimate 21st century tax haven...
Now, even though our Federal Government...
And our Federal Reserve are concerned about it limiting their power...
36 cities across 20 states allow you to pay for everything from water bills to parking tickets with Edison's Renegade Currency.
200,000 companies in the United States can currently pay their employees with it.
700,000 American businesses are turning to Edison's Renegade Currency.
Including, Walmart, CVS, Lowe's, and NIKE.
You can use Edison's Renegade Currency to buy gold & silver.
To buy Domino's pizza and have it delivered.
To pay for lunches and dinners at over 12,000 restaurants in 45 states.
Something Like This Has Never Happened Before in History...
And What's Coming May Change Everything
As we speak, the founders and financial backers of Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo...
Major players in natural gas and oil...
As well as with AT&T and Fidelity...
They're moving into Edison's Renegade Currency.
Some eBay auctions are now being held in it.
MoneyGram is using it to facilitate millions upon millions of dollars' worth of financial transactions.
Western Union is beginning to assess the technology necessary to harness it.
Edison's Renegade Currency  May Soon Be Built Into
Every Web Browser and Cellphone on the Planet
Every Email May Soon Have the Ability to Deliver it
By Simply Clicking The "Send" Button